Tuesday, November 20, 2012

36 Weeks!

So 4 weeks to go, or 28 days! And according to the growth ultrasound I had last week he weighs 5 lbs, 13 oz. That means this week he's gotta be closing in on 6 lbs. Unfortunately we got no good pics of him b/c his hands were in front of his face, boooo! He has been moving and wiggling and punching and kicking extra vigorously this past week. I dunno what's up with that since all the books say the bigger he gets the less you'll feel movement b/c there's just nowhere really for him to move. I swear to God I felt his HEEL sticking out a few nights ago when he was moving so much he woke me up! I've been feeling some more round ligament pains as well and it's been a long while since I felt THOSE. But if he's moving and stretching my innards out even more then that's to be expected.

Reg and I started childbirth class at the hospital on Sat. morning. It's with the same instructor we had for the breastfeeding class. I feel for the few couples in there who aren't due til January or even February--hey, I'm getting my hefty tax write-off this year! After class on Sat. we went to eat and then went home and both took naps; we were so tired and we had to be rested for the CD Release party that nite, which went incredibly well! Once again I am overwhelmed by the show of support from our fans, friends, and family. I mean, WOW--the crowd was incredible. I kinda had to hide out before the show b/c I needed to preserve every last ounce of energy I had in order to play the show and it worked b/c I felt somewhat energetic while playing our long, one set and even stood up for about 4-5 songs. I was hoping baby would give me a little break from all the kicking/punching and either he did b/c he was enjoying the music or I was too distracted/hyped up on performance endorphins to notice! But it was a great nite, one of the best ever.

Met with Doula last nite and we did my birth plan (who I want in the room when I deliver, what I'll do for pain relief, plan to breastfeed immediately, etc) and then she showed me and Reg 4 exercises to do for my current aches/pains. She palpated my belly and said baby is still head down (I knew that b/c I feel his head and his little hands down below) but he's still posterior, or facing forward, which is bad, very bad for me so I have to do certain things to try and make him turn around and face backwards so labor goes easier on me and I don't suffer horrible back labor. Mainly I need to spend time on my hands/knees which I can do on the couch/floor/bed and also resting forward on the birthing ball. I watched tv like that last nite for a bit.

Dr. appt tomorrow and now I start seeing him every single week. Looking forward to having a long weekend and looking forward to NOT having to be anywhere on Thanksgiving for the 1st time in years and years b/c my family is all doing different stuff this year. My plan is to REST, let Reg cook for the 2 (3!) of us, and get stuff done around the house that I haven't had time to do. My last official gigs are this weekend, Fri. and Sat. nite too and then I'm pretty much done til January. Doula, Reg, and everyone else says it's FINALLY time for me to slow down and while that's so hard for me to do and feels unnatural, I know I need to do it.

Week 36

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

35 Weeks!

And that means 5 weeks to go! Last week at the Dr. he confirmed the baby's head has already engaged my pelvic area which does not surprise me b/c I feel baby's head against that left hip bone sometimes. I will have my growth ultrasound tomorrow at the perinatologist Dr. H's office and we'll determine how much baby weighs now and how big he is already. Looks like I've gained another few pounds for a total of 29 lbs. gained although Dr. E said it's the baby who's gained it, LOL! This past weekend I FINALLY got around to organizing the baby clothes received at the baby shower and last nite I did my first-ever batch of baby clothes laundry. OMG these clothes are so tiny!!! I mean, I've never really known any babies before so this whole thing is a trip to me! I only washed sizes newborn-6 months; the larger clothes can wait til later.

Also this past weekend I was fortunate enough to be able to make trips to see 2 friends who had baby hand-me-down stuff including tons of clothes, blankets, a high chair, and other awesome and much-needed baby items. I'm just so grateful to save money not buying this stuff and also glad to not contribute to crazed baby supply consumerism and happy to be recycling and reusing! Also my bro's friend sent more stuff, including diapers and a breastfeeding pillow. HELL YEAH!

Today is also a special day b/c it's Reggie's bday. I have another baby shower tonight being given by the Board I serve on and after that I'll take Reg out to dinner wherever he wants. He already received his gifts and loved them and will be using some of them on the golf course today! We had an incredible time on Sunday night. I took him and El Bebe to their first ever Taj Mahal concert and they both LOVED it. Reg and I got to visit a little with Taj afterwards thanks to his bass player, our friend Larry, and I gifted them with my limited-edition koozie which has a special Taj connection b/c Paul put "Well well well" on it which is a nod to one of the Taj songs I perform, "But I Rode Some". (I sing Taj's sassy little "well well well well well" that he sings on the recording, hee hee!) What an unforgettable and beautiful gift of music we all received that night. Baby did not stop kicking/punching the entire time and my latest thing now is to sing "Loving in My Baby's Eyes" to him when we're alone.

This week is the PRB's CD release party and we're all super excited. Saturday morning Reg and I have a Lamaze class at the hospital and I have the goal of packing my hospital bag once and for all by this weekend, and then that night is the CD release. Lamaze class continues on Sunday and the final session the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Hopefully the outfit idea I have in mind for the CD Release party will work! BTW Dr. E said I can continue to gig (although he said the loud volume might send me into pre-term labor! [Was that a joke?]).

Week 35

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

34 Weeks!

6 weeks to go. 42 days! It's starting to feel more real. People ask me if I'm "nervous" or "ready". Well, ready or not that baby's coming. And nervous, no. I trust in my body, my Doula, my OB/GYN, the miracle of childbirth, the birthin' babies education I've received so far, and the good Lord so why would I be nervous? Reg and I picked up a nice bassinet off of Craigslist on Sunday so the baby finally has someplace to sleep and that was a big weight off my shoulders; now we just absolutely have to go buy a carseat and damn, as far as I'm concerned we'll be totally ready to have that baby home with us. I just have to get my "changing table" (a folding card table) back from Paul as it's currently serving as the PRB merch table! LOL!

I don't have a huge nesting instinct yet (big surprise, my mom was never the nesting/nurturing mother type either) but I did make time on Sunday to organize all the baby clothes we received at the baby shower and I bought some dye/perfume-free detergent to wash them all with. Reg has organized the hell out of my house and moved furniture and cleaned and has been so awesome in that department.

I feel myself gradually feeling more tired and last week I found stretch marks for the first time! My tummy has looked great all along but I finally took the time to really inspect it and held a mirror underneath the tummy and BAM! There are just a few stretch marks hiding underneath there. Waaaah! I hope that's where they'll stay. In other health news, just more heartburn and now having to pop the Zantac 2X/day instead of just once. Pregnancy congestion is still rough on me and I'm short of breath sometimes. My taste buds work some days and some days they don't. But the newest thing is that my pelvis bones are just achy sometimes. I'll get up off the couch/up from a chair/out of bed/out of the car and have to hobble like an old woman b/c they're just SORE... And sometimes the baby's kicking/punching is very uncomfortable and even hurts. I read that's b/c right now he's taking up more space and the amniotic fluid level is lower b/c of his larger size which means there's less cushion for me from his tiny blows. But dammit, otherwise I feel pretty good, considering, and I keep reminding myself it could be so much worse and I'm grateful.

We played our last gigs for a couple of weeks this past weekend, including opening up for Monte Montgomery which was mind-blowing. Also last Weds. was my final "Pinche Miercoles" at the Continental until January and it was a fun Halloween one; I got to wear my costume 3 times this H'ween season and even got a round of applause at work that day, they liked it so much. Now the PRB will take a break until the CD Release party on the 17th. I haven't decided yet if I'll gig in December; it's dependent on if I feel miserable or not. These days I'm merely "uncomfortable". So we'll see.

Week 34

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

33 Weeks!

7 weeks to go, I hope! Whoa. That ain't very long. More gifts are arriving for the baby which totally blows me away. Last Thursday Reg and I were out and about (Discovery Green and HBS Jam at Big Easy) and 2 people pressed money into my hand which was so touching and so generous. People must really love babies, eh? The funny thing about these baby items is that some of this stuff I have no idea how it works. My world is ready to be opened up to a whole other dimension and my mind is about to be totally blown. On Monday I was sitting quietly and the baby started moving around and I looked down and I was like, "Holy $#@% there's a BABY in there."

Still having plenny heartburn and congestion and the taste bud issue is off and on but mostly on. I ordered a delicious bleu cheese/bacon burger on Sun. at lunch and it was BLAH. Later on before the Galveston gig I got some Marble Slab w/a mixin and it was totally disappointing. Dude, it's depressing when your food don't taste good. But I'm force-feeding myself b/c the baby needs it. On the flip side this week was, fortunately, the 1st time in awhile where my clothes didn't feel like they were strangling me and the baby and although I was congested I managed to avoid popping a Claritin-D. I think the colder weather is helping slightly. I normally detest colder weather like a sickness but now that I'm pregnant it's making life a little easier on me, surprisingly.

Reg and I are still trying to find time to get the upstairs completely ready. I still need to get a carseat and I guess a crib or a bassinet or both but to be honest I still haven't decided where the baby will sleep exactly. November is the big month where we need to get our act together. I just know I've been sleeping on the couch the last few nights and that works out pretty well mostly except it's harder to "roll" out of than it is the bed, ha ha.

This Weds. is my last "Pinche Miercoles" gig at the Continental. People have been urging me to slow down but I just haven't been ready to. Hey man, what about those farm women that work the fields their whole pregnancy, take a break to give birth, and go right back to work? Besides it's been more important and healthy for me to be ACTIVE instead of, what, lie around on the couch day and night? But yes, I am starting to feel a tad more tired so I will listen to my body and will give myself weeknights off now. The weekend gigs are still on and the Dr. said that was fine although he did say after 35 weeks I may not want to travel very far; yeah, the traveling is done for now too.

Week 33

Thursday, October 25, 2012

32 Weeks!

8 weeks (or more?) to go. The reason I ask "or more?" is b/c on Tuesday we had our 2nd home visit with our Doula. Doula says typical gestation for a 1st time mom is 41 weeks and 6 days. Like hell! I want this baby out at 40 weeks! But she says if he's not ready to come out he's not ready to come out and we have to trust him and my body. She says don't worry about him being big (I want to birth a 7 lb. baby, not an 8 or 9 lb'er) b/c I don't have gestational diabetes or anything so she's sure he'll be a manageable size even if he does decide to wait. She also said I need to UP the protein in my diet, and when she arrived I was making a banana smoothie and she suggested I put peanut butter in it, and I did, and it was AWESOME. Note to self: do that always now! Then she palpated my belly which I found fascinating. She really mashed my belly and said to not be afraid to do that myself. She found his head and his little butt and I think a leg. El Bebe was pissed and kicked and punched back at her--that's my boy!

We went for a 4-D ultrasound and video on Friday, which was a gift from Reg's neighbors. We saw the baby up close and personal. He had his hand wrapped around the umbilical cord; he furrowed his brow; he opened and closed his eyes briefly; he licked the cord; it was AMAZING. We saw his baby boy parts again and he's 100% boy! And certainly not to MY surprise, he has a full head of hair already. The technician even mentioned twice how much hair he has. No kidding, with my constant heartburn!!!  We got a CD of fotos and a DVD to take home and some printouts.

We had our baby shower on Sunday at the Big Easy and it was an incredible event. JFu, Janie, Suzy really went all out and the food was killer and there was a Cat in the Hat cake and so many of our friends and family came and I couldn't believe all the gifts. It sort of didn't feel real, I mean, I NEVER imagined a baby shower might be held for ME someday. I was really overwhelmed and touched by everyone just being there. Paul and Ryan and Max and I played a set and JFu came up for a couple of songs; it was great. Even Tito J rode in on the megabus from S.A.! (Ok, I guilt tripped him into coming, but he needed to be there!) Lots of Reg's friends came too and lots of beer/booze was sold so I'm glad Tom did decent business at the bar! At the end of the night we had to really cram all the gifts to get them into my car and again, I was just blown away by everyone's generosity. I felt so lucky and blessed and feel my baby is also enormously lucky and blessed.

Yesterday I split town shortly around 1p to drive to Scott LA for our gig at Biker Night at the Harley-Davidson. I felt it was my "final" road trip as the person I am now, living my life as it is now. It was a great day for a drive and I made sure to enjoy the feeling of the open road and to just be aware of my final trip ever as not-quite-somebody's-Mommy yet. The gig was cool and the guys had picked up our order of Koozies, Tshirts, and limited pre-release CD's to sell. The Koozies came out incredibly well; they're decorated with the pregnant Bella bass player design that Scott created for me and with creative design/arrangement by Paul. I hope to sell all of them before the baby gets here. The drive home was pretty easy and I only stopped once to get cheap gas ($3.25) and an ice cream sannich, arriving home around 1:15a.

Good Dr.'s appt today. The baby's heartbeat was in the 150's all over the place, my blood pressure was good, the nurse said I was so cute b/c I'm all belly, and Dr. E has ordered the fetal growth ultrasound to take place next week, probably. I'll go back to the perinatologist Dr. H for that. I weighed 151 so I've gained 26 lbs. total and only 2 lbs. in the past 5 weeks. Dr. E said not to worry about that, just eat my protein and I'll probably gain another 5 lbs after 34 weeks or so.

Week 32

Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Weeks and Down to Single Digits on Weeks to Wait!


31 weeks today and that means 9 weeks to go! AAAAAAAHHHHHH! I'm excited. Everyone says the 9 weeks will fly by and I'm sure they will. The baby continues to kick the crap out of me, wiggle, etc. and now I hear that when that's gone (after he's born) I'll miss that terribly too. He has gotten the hiccups several times in the past week and I hear that's a good sign, shows good development! Sleeping is still a challenge. I slept in my bed last nite w/Reg and my hips were sore again. I hate hate hate wearing anything except dresses and I still wish I could get away with no bras b/c I just feel so tight in my entire middle. But I know the day we meet El Bebe will be here soon enough and I do feel like it really isn't too far away now!

Feeling a little wistful b/c there are more and more gigs I won't be able to do. I am not doing the gig this Sat. b/c of the annual Sheriff Reserve dinner and I'm not doing the gig next Fri. b/c Katie's is way too damn smoky and I just refuse to tolerate that. Our CD is coming out soon and Paul scheduled the Baton Rouge release party for Nov. 16 but I can't do that b/c 1. I don't think I'm supposed to travel more than an hour away from the hospital in my last month and 2. Reg and I have our 1st Lamaze class the next morning at 8:30a. I hate missing out, but dammit, I have to remind myself I'm only going to be pregnant with this baby just this one time!

Getting excited about the baby shower coming up on Sunday, to be held at the Big Easy! My first baby shower, wow, I never woulda thought. BTW these days I am definitely craving banana pudding and ice cream sanniches.

Reg has been going crazy getting my house ready. He totally cleaned out the dining room, an upstairs closet, he continually sweeps, mops, cleans my place. He's so awesome. He's been studying his daddy books. It's so sweet and of course he talks and reads to the baby all the time.

Week 31

30 Weeks! 10 to go!


I have been sleeping on the couch most of this past weekend and on Monday night; however I did sleep in my bed last night. The couch is much better for my hips but I wanted to see if I could still sleep in my bed and find a way to help my hips not be so sore. I think that b/c my middle is so heavy if I prop up the baby bump with a pillow that really helps. I love my bed and want to be able to sleep in it, though the couch can be fun too.

The BIRTH fair on Sat. was cool; got some good info and some free swag. Saw my doula Jessica, who had a booth with her doula group. I sent Reg to a 2-hr talk on Sun. called "Birth of a Father" and he LOVED it, even bought the guy's book for $10. Then we had the breastfeeding class last nite at the hospital. It lasted from 6-9:30 and we mostly watched videos and had Q&A. Seems like the secret to success is to get the latch right from the beginning and everything else will fall into place.

Saw Dr. E on Monday. The baby's heartbeat was 158--higher than it's been but still normal--and my blood pressure was fine, my urine was fine, still no swelling in feet/ankles and I'm holding steady at the same weight I've had in the past 3 weeks or so. Good! Dr. E said baby is head down, not sure how he knew that and I didn't have time to ask b/c Doc had to run off (literally) and deliver a baby. Doc said baby kicking/moving/wiggling/punching is great b/c it shows the baby is happy and getting enough oxygen. I'll see Doc again in a couple weeks and he's gonna order some kind of special ultrasound and also said I probably don't need to go back to the perinatologist, Dr. H anymore.

Still having to pop Claritin-D a few times a week and Zantac as well. Last night was bad, I am belching through the night but last night some acid came up. I popped a Zantac around 3:30 am so I could get some relief. Doc said it's ok to take these but to knock off the Gas-X. Again, I didn't have time to ask him for alternatives (I can always email him if I want to) so I've just been walking around burping myself by pounding on my chest. Still keeping Tums in my purse and that helps a little. I also bought some apple cider vinegar and some baking soda to see if those work as natural remedies.

I can barely stand to wear a bra sometimes but I need the support so I don't stretch out the skin. But I am having to unhook my bra at work just to help myself breathe better/not feel so tight. I bought some "bandi-bras" (see pic below) that are like soft sports bras last week in size "XL", good Lord, but they work and are not so tight. I'm wearing them at night and even with clothes sometimes. I fill them up just fine too. I may need to visit a maternity store really soon and get measured for some good maternity/nursing bras--no underwire!!!

Working Greek Fest on Sunday was a trip. I wore civilian clothes (new black maternity pants, black boots, Sheriff button down shirt, blazer) and had no weapon b/c I had no place to put it. They stuck me in the gift shop which was cool b/c I was near the cafeteria (kept getting plenty of drinks to stay hydrated) and I could always find a chair to sit though I did stand and walk around too b/c I got tired of sitting. Loved the Greek food, as always, and got the baklava-topped sundae and at the end of the day a candle vendor gave me a beautiful soy candle with a blue cross on it, "For your baby" she said, and the flavor was baklava sundae! Awww!!!

Week 30

29 Weeks! Kick Poke Punch!


Little baby is quite the wiggler and mover and poker and kicker and puncher and WTH was that round bulge on the right side of my tummy the other morning--his head or his cute little butt??? :) I started doing "Kick Counts" last nite and have a chart I fill out. Ohhh but lately he is really kicking/poking my innards. He kicked my "meow meow" a few times and my bladder and man, that really kinda hurts! When he does that I say, "Baby! Don't play with that!"

Dr. visit tomorrow. I am having serious heartburn and am taking my Zantac, Tums, and this week had to break down and also get some Mylanta and Gas-X. I want to explore some natural remedies I've heard about though. The congestion is still coming and going and I'm glad I don't have to take Claritin-D EVERY day. I bought some more clothes last night b/c I am running out of clothes to wear to work, mostly and the weather is cooling a bit. I bought 6 items but 2 are non-maternity so I'll be able to use them after the pregnancy too. Plus the clothes will work for work, play, and gigging. Only spent $57 at Ross. Yay me!

Last nite I couldn't bear wearing the sports bra to bed; it was cutting me too tight at the top of my ribs so I just took it off and wore an undershirt so I'd have "some" kinda support. The last couple of nights have been rough. I am up and down peeing all the time and last night at 3am I was forced to pop a Zantac. Charley horses in my calves or feet have me leaping out of bed every couple of nights, too. A truly comfy sleeping position eludes me these days; my middle just feels soooo heavy. The baby gains most of his weight this trimester and he's just getting bigger and bigger... yay baby but man, I'm feeling it!!! I now have to "roll" out of bed, ha ha.

Reg and I went for a walk on Mon. night and we'll do the same tonite. I do need to do some stretching exercises and some prenatal yoga which is On Demand on my cable... I just feel so lazy these days. No excuse though. I've also been forgetting my Kegels though I have remembered them lately. I'm still holding at 149 and hope I don't gain much more weight.

Hella busy weekend ahead: Fri. gig. 4D ultrasound video appt. on Sat., then the B.I.R.T.H. Fair, then a gig. Sunday I work Greek Fest and I'll have to be in civilian clothes, oh well!

Week 29

28 Weeks! The Third Trimester Begins!!!


And I am still congested and have heartburn/gas and the baby is moving around wildly and kicking/punching and my hips ache from sleeping on my sides and I feel slightly more tired these days. But I love to look at my tummy move and see the baby's body parts (which ones? not sure!) move and it makes me smile and laff.

Taking Tums, Zantac 150, and Claritin-D as necessary; must take one or more of each daily now, it seems.  Bought a maternity top, cropped jeans, and dress at Goodwill this past weekend: $25! My tits are huge, last measured were approaching 40D territory! Taking short walks at work when I feel up to it and walks on the treadmill at home when I remember to. Green smoothies ROCK!!! (Banana, ice, soy milk, organic spinach, cinnamon!)

Seeing Dr. E next week and that visit will mark the new schedule of seeing him every 2 weeks instead of every month now. His group has finally moved their offices to the new Women's Pavilion where I will be delivering. It's a slightly farther walk for me should I choose to walk over there from my office, but Reg enjoys going to the visits with me so we've been driving and parking anyway. We'll see.

Reg brought me flowers and cupcakes to work yesterday and then took me to Jimmy Wok for Chinese. It all hit the spot! His mom also gave me a check which was very nice and needed. I hit 150 lbs. (meaning a 25-lb. weight gain so far) a few weeks ago but then lost a few and was down to 147; now I'm back to hovering near 149. I don't want to gain much more weight and in the 3rd trimester the baby is the one that really starts putting on the weight!

In other news, Chop and the PRB are parting ways. This weekend will be his last gigs w/us. But I'm glad we'll all still be friends and we all wish each other the best.

Week 28

27 Weeks!


Still can't breathe and must take Claritin-D every couple days, though I've already taken it 3x this week. Lotsa gas coming up (belching) and Tums helps with that. Baby likes to kick/punch/swim/move around lots and I am having a hard time sleeping at times b/c he's moving so much. I no longer can wear elastic waistbands, they are squeezing me too tight and it's hard enough breathing these days. My hips are sometimes sore during and after sleeping. I slept on the couch last night and that helped a little. I also got about 10 hrs sleep last night, and it was bliss. In good news, my skin has never looked better and clearer this entire 2nd trimester!!!

Saw the baby in 4D at the perinatologist's last Thurs. He was sucking his little thumb. He is head down now although Dr. H says he will flip flop around upside down and back in the coming weeks. She said he was weighing a little heavy for 26 weeks at 2 lbs. 3 oz. and for me to lay off the fried cheese. My glucose tolerance test came back with a good score of 109 (needed to be below 140) so yay, no gestational diabetes for me and yes I was a bit worried!

Dang, he sure is a little kicker! I like to pull up my shirt and watch my tummy move, makes me laff sometimes. I wonder what the heck he is DOING in there??? Reg read "Where the Wild Things Are" to him the other night. The first time of many! 

Week 27

26 Weeks!


So the latest is that I CAN'T BREATHE. Ugh. But Dr. E said Claritin-D is ok. I took some on Friday, which made me a little jittery, then later I felt a little buzzed, then later I felt mellow. This was on the drive to Baton Rouge. That night at the gig the baby kicked ALL NIGHT. Then he kicked while I was trying to sleep. Then he kicked all morning and into the afternoon. Even Paul and Max felt it! I never saw him like that before!!! I took some again on Sunday, desperate to breathe, skipped Monday, took some yesterday and today. I hate to take it, even if it IS a Class B drug, but I need to breathe!!!

In other big news, I met my doula last night! I'm so happy to have her on board. Reg and I met with her and she lent us 3 DVD's to watch and gave me some good exercise advice and some good eating advice--she says to UP the protein. Her "Green Smoothies" idea totally intrigued me and I will try it for sure.

Tomorrow we see the Perinatologist, Dr. H. It will be fun to see the baby again on ultrasound. He sure enjoys kicking his mama and I am always happy to feel it.

I put my first tummy foto on Facebook yesterday and over 70 people have liked it, see below.

Week 26

25 Weeks


And we took the baby to his first Lyle Lovett concert last nite! He kicked most during "That's Right You're Not From Texas" and the solos on "You Can't Resist It." That's my boy!

This pregnancy congestion is kinda getting to me. Sometimes it's so hard to breathe and it's b/c I'm congested, I've gained 25 lbs., and the baby is probably crowding my lungs thanks especially to my short torso syndrome. Last nite at the concert I was quite uncomfortable b/c those theater seats are cramped and I would stretch out my arms frequently which helped a tiny bit. Then last night I had a rough nite trying to sleep, what with getting up to pee about 6 times, the baby kicking, and a bit of heartburn which also comes and goes seemingly every other day (Zantac helps).

But I really don't want to complain b/c I still think I'm lucky. Speaking of that 25 lbs., well that was my total weight gain goal of the whole pregnancy and I still have 15 weeks to go. Most of that weight has GOT to be boobs--looks like I'm 40 C-D, almost a D cup. Good lord. Maybe I can keep it to 30 lbs. total or at MOST, 35.

Tomorrow is the gestational diabetes test and I'm praying I'll be ok. It's nice not having to think too much about what I eat and still enjoy my desserts. This past Labor Day weekend was bliss. We got a lot of stuff done around the house and I (mostly) completed the registry and we sent out the baby shower invite via Facebook. I got a LOT of R&R in and some pool time too which was my goal.

It's so cool to see my belly move when he kicks. Reg enjoys feeling the baby kick too.

Week 25

24 Weeks! = 6 Months


The baby continues to kick and even throw one-two kick/punch combo's! For the 1st time on Monday night I also observed my stomach actually move when he kicked. So awesome. Reg read a book to him on Monday night too, Verdi, which I have an autographed copy of!

My skin has been subtlety starting to itch occasionally around my belly and sides. I lotion up religiously everyday (I did that even before getting pregnant) and so far thank God there are no stretch marks yet. They could still come, of course. I sorta feel like when I have a lot of activity going on I get tired sooner/more easily. Some of that could be due to pregnancy congestion though, sometimes I feel like I can't breathe enough. I've slept on the couch a few times recently and that isn't too bad b/c I can sink into the soft leather better than I can on the bed and my hips don't suffer as much.

Will see the Dr. next week and the perinatologist the week after that, probably. In other big news, I have decided to hire a doula and I found her and we'll also be meeting in a couple of weeks. She cost $800 but I suspect she'll be worth every damn penny. She'll also lend me some books and DVD's. I'm very excited and relieved to have her on my team!

Week 24

23 Weeks and Baby is Celebrating by Kicking!


Yesterday morning around 5am or so I was awakened by the baby kicking--first time that's happened. Oof! and Woop! I no longer tense up when he kicks (I was doing that when I first started to feel him, not sure why, maybe just hoping if I stayed still he wouldn't kick as much b/c back then it was still such a new, freaky sensation) but now I like to move my hand down there to feel it from the outside.

We had the Leo celebration/memorial party on Sat. and someone said to me there for the first time ever, "Are you sure you're not carrying twins?" Other people pooh-poohed that, saying I am so small. Everyone has their perspective, I suppose. I am enjoying wearing snug outfits that show off the baby bump and even wore a midriff-baring top at my gig last Weds! Of course doing so invited dozens of hands on my belly. LOL! I don't mind it so much.

Looks like I've already gained about 20 lbs. I only wanted to gain 25 total so with 17 more weeks to go I am not sure how my weight plan will fare out ultimately. It's just that you'll all remember I had NO morning sickness at all, and so my appetite was never in jeopardy even if at the same time it has never been excessive. I'm glad I'm back to walking though, and will continue to do so as much as I can fit into my day.

Since there were no gigs this past weekend (except for the Leo thing, kinda) I was determined to get some work done in the 2nd bedroom. No, I do not plan on creating a cutesy nursery for the baby, but I do need to clear out one of the closets in there for his clothes and stuff and I began that process. I also needed to hook up the cable box that hasn't been hooked up for almost a year, and I did accomplish that. I also brought up from the coat closet downstairs a folding card table for use as the changing table, and I see nothing wrong with using a card table as a changing table. One less thing to have to buy and ultimately get rid of!

Otherwise, sleeping is getting to be a bit more challenging, what with the repeated peeing sessions and trying to lie on my side all the time and charley horses in my feet/calves and occasional heartburn and now my pregnancy congestion has been bad for a couple of weeks and that makes me tired during the day too b/c I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen. Not complaining though, just documenting, b/c I love love love this little baby inside me even though I am a little scared of his strong little kicks b/c I know they're just gonna get stronger!

Week 23

Thursday, October 18, 2012

22 Weeks and Back From Babymoon!


The babymoon vacation cruise was AWESOME. I got tan all over thanks to my bikinis. I ate ice cream everyday. The food on Carnival left a lot to be desired but I did eat some good things. The best food was in Mexico though, we had lunch at the shore on Playa Bonita (aptly named indeed!) where I had a shrimp burrito with a million little shrimp falling out of it and then the next day in Progreso where I ate fresh fish (grouper) caught that morning with a pile of corn tortillas, rice, and a huge slice of avocado! I rested on the boat in the sun, read, relaxed, slept lots... just what I freakin' needed. I'd love to do a cruise again but next time perhaps Royal Caribbean b/c their food is really good from all accounts.

Baby boy in utero turned 21 weeks on the cruise and 22 weeks yesterday. Last Saturday morning I believe I felt him move from the outside for the 1st time! He seems to start his wiggling thing almost always after I eat something. Today I swear I felt him kick AND punch at the same time. Oof! At the Dr. last Thursday (the day we came back from the cruise) my tummy measured at 21.5 cm which was perfect for the baby being 21 weeks old. He is in breech position (he won't turn until later on, closer to when he's getting ready to be borned) and that's why I feel his little kicks below my bellow button! I'll see the Dr. again on 9/6 at 25 weeks which is also when I'll do my glucose tolerance test.

Reg has started talking to the baby everyday. We have an expensive baby heart monitor on loan from his neighbor and I think it might be ok to try starting to hear the baby's heartbeat. I do know that mine sounds like a beat-beat and the baby's should sound like a swish-swish. His heartbeat was 141 at the Dr's last week--excellent!

Week 22

So Relieved. So Grateful. A-OK at Dr's Today


Dr. H measured my cervix at 3.5 cm. OMG that is pretty much as healthy as I can ask for. She said that when I was 2.8 cm at 15 weeks that is b/c my cervix hadn't developed fully yet. Wow. She said to be careful on my cruise though, just as a precaution. I sent off the Carnival Cruise Line release form to Dr. E today for him to sign. He even said I could have a margarita on the cruise!

I'm so incredibly grateful and relieved. I saw "The Wiggler" today and got a few printouts. I feel him moving throughout the day; yep, that's him in there! I'm so excited. God is good, y'all.

20 Weeks! Halfway Done!


So yes, I have been feeling the baby move since last Monday. I spent a few days wondering if it was gas and then just assuming it was gas but everyday since Monday I still had my doubts, especially as Weds. and Thurs. came around. Sure, I'm pregnant and have gas but gas like that was ridiculous! Finally on Saturday I realized what I'm feeling is indeed that little wiggler moving around in there. Feels like tiny elbows/knees! Just goes to show you that every pregnancy is unique b/c everyone said when you 1st feel the baby move it feels like "nervous butterflies" or "popcorn popping." Bull butter! This baby boy is not that subtle! Those are his little arms/legs/hands/feet bumping me! I'm guessing I'll get used to the feeling b/c now that I know it's him everytime I feel it I'm like, "Whoop!" But it's great and I'm grateful for the sensation. This morning when we woke up Reg spoke to the baby and he moved. Awesome! Of course he needs to learn to respond to his daddy's voice too!

Tomorrow is the appt. with the perinatologist, Dr. H. I am praying praying praying my cervix is ok. I feel fine, I feel great, the baby is wiggling, I just need my cervix to be ok and hopefully longer than the 2.8 cm it was at 15 weeks. I've been taking it soooo easy, sitting all day at work instead of going for walks and lounging around at home at night. Sitting at my gigs, not lifting ANYTHING anymore, even my bass or the cat. We have our cruise (our "babymoon") leaving this Saturday and we've both been looking forward to it so much. I've always wanted to go on a cruise!!! Another thing I've done, since the OB/GYN Dr. E said he heard this could help the cervix, is up the protein in my diet: yogurt, meat, nuts, bacon, cheese, and even today had a peanut butter/jelly sandwich! I'm willing to do anything at all in order to make sure my cervix stays A-OK for my baby boy, or as I call him now, "The Wiggler"!

Week 20

Saw New OB/GYN Yesterday


Reg picked me up and we went around the corner from my day job to the new Dr. He is one of the Dr's over the midwives group that rejected me and they said he is great. He's also Hispanic which is cool. I started crying when telling the nurse about the midwives and how scared I was about my cervix and she said she was sure everything will turn out fine. OK--I was also emotional b/c we lost Leo to the pancreatic cancer earlier that day around 3am. I'd spent my morning crying already.

So Dr. E came in and he was really sweet and he also said he's not concerned yet and since I have the 2nd ultrasound already scheduled with the perinatologist Dr. H next Weds. he said we could wait until then to see how things have progressed. He did another u/s and we saw the baby again. The baby looks great, he even waved at us, and we saw his little pee-pee!!! :) Dr. E. also measured my belly and says I'm the perfect size for being 19w and that I will get 1 cm bigger every week. Yikes!

Dr. E did tell me to go ahead and stay off the treadmill for now, no lifting anything heavier than 5-10 lbs, and to go on pelvic rest, to Reg's horror, b/c that means no sex. We can't compromise the cervix by any means. I had already sat at last Sat's gig except when singing and now I will sit 100% of the time and try to have Reg hand me Igor D. Bass.

Last nite we went to the monthly HBS jam since it was in honor of Leo. George was there too and most of the Houston blues community. I thought I was all cried out but everyone hugging me left and right got to me and the waterworks started up again. I was wearing my purple Leo Trio tshirt which showed off the baby bump real nice. Reg got me a whisky and we toasted to Leo with some friends and I took 2 tiny sips. I hadn't planned on playing but I got persuaded to get up with George for a Leo tribute set and I sat on a stool and played a borrowed bass. I'm glad I did.

Week 19

Disappointed. No Midwives For Me


Well, the midwives have rejected me. They are concerned about something and they made me concerned too and I cried a whole bunch last Thurs. Apparently when they got my records from Dr. B they saw that my cervix--measured at 15w on 6/26 by the perinatologist Dr. H--was 2.8 cm long. They say that cervix's that measure 2.5 cm or below are high risk for pre-term labor and they said my cervix was cutting it too close and therefore I was too high risk for them. However they offered to refer me to one of the OB/GYN's over them, hoping that one of them would even take a transfer patient.

I called the perinatologist Dr. H, crying, with lots of questions about this. The nurse called back and said that Dr. H was not concerned, that 2.5 cm is the medical standard to be concerned and that if the midwives rejected me at 2.8, that was just their standard. Dr. H had said on 6/26 for me to come back after 6 weeks but since Reg and I will be on the cruise during that time I asked for an earlier appt so I will see Dr. H next Weds. on 8/1.

The next day the midwives said they were able to refer me to one of their Dr's. (Thank God!!!) and I will see Dr. E this Thurs. I have been reading up on this cervix issue and yes, I have started to become very concerned. I am scared that since it's been almost a month since it was last measured, what if my cervix has shortened even more (hello, that's what the cervix does, it shortens [effaces] the closer you get to the due date). I have been reading the Cervix Disorders pregnancy boards and even doing PubMed searches. I have seen the numbers for concern vary from 2.5 cm to 2.2 cm. But I'm scared b/c I measured 2.8 at ONLY 15 WEEKS. I have started being more careful with myself and trying to stay off my feet as much as possible and not lifting anything heavier than my bass.

This past weekend was intense. I left for Baton Rouge on Friday morning with Chopper and it took 7 freaking hours to drive there since I-10 was backed up before the B.R. bridge, we overheated, and then hit rain so bad there was a flash flood warning. But we recorded into the night until 3 am, went to the hotel and slept til 10, then recorded til 8p at which time it was time to get to our gig. I sat on a stool the whole time except when singing. I let Paul and Chopper and Max lift all my gear. Chopper and I ended up coming back to Houston after the gig and eating at Waffle House with Paul/Max, leaving B.R. at 5am and getting home yesterday at 9:30. Reg came to pick me up from Chop's house and I slept for about 4 1/2 hrs and then stayed in bed til it was time to shower and go to dinner w/Ma and Fred.

My Pregnancy Experience Thus Far


Wow, I have to say I have had it pretty damn easy so far and you bet your azz I am extremely grateful for this. For example, this list and how I relate to it:

The 12 things you miss most during pregnancy

  • A normal sense of smell - This is about how hypersensitive many preggo's noses are. I have noticed I can smell things a bit stronger and I am a bit more sensitive to smells but b/c of my chronic allergies I am so frequently stuffed up anyway this is not a major issue like it is for a lot of women--having to leave restaurants and such.
  • Booze - Yep, this is a big one for me! :) However I am enjoying saving all the $ I spent on booze. I don't miss being hungover though, and driving-impaired.
  • Off-limits foods - I miss sushi, sure, but it's not a big deal. I do miss turkey sandwiches but I have had them twice, just trying to limit them. My big thing here is bleu cheese and feta cheese!!! I did have a Greek salad last weekend but picked most of the feta off, though ate a little bit.
  • Peaceful sleep - Well, now that I'm committed to getting 8hrs of sleep that's helping but now that I'm no longer allowed to sleep on my back I am trying to get used to sleeping with the body pillow. The pillow is great but in the mornings my hips ache a little bit; I'm hoping that will abate. Also I seem to pee more than most preggo's, the talk of getting up 3X/night and I'm more like 5.
  • Cute shoes - I bought some cute flats but yes, I miss wearing my heels at gigs. I will continue to wear heels to work/social events, I just don't want to wear them while standing for 3 hr gigs anymore.
  • Feeling sexy - Now that my tummy is looking less "blobby" and more "baby bump" this is not an issue really. I can't wait to wear baby bump-revealing tops! I already bought bikinis to show it off, and my boobs are so huge now (from 34B to 38C already!) they certainly help me feel sexy!
  • A rocking sex life - No issues here, except for my waning libido during the 1st trimester, although now I'm no longer supposed to be on my back so we're working around that.
  • Feeling strong and independent - I've had to get used to not carrying my gig gear myself anymore, my bass case, amp, cab's. But fortunately Reg is insisting and Paul also doesn't seem to mind at all.
  • Being included - Not an issue. I'm so busy and active I actually appreciate time to myself even more these days.
  • Your pre-pregnancy body - Not an issue b/c I appreciate my pregnant body and the changes it's undergoing; I'm fascinated, to be honest. However I do miss not being able to wear so many of my cute clothes.
  • Emotional control - I haven't had psychotic moments like so many other preggo's, although I did lose it a few times in the 1st trimester. Otherwise my mood has been pretty stable so far throughout.
  • Caffeinating like you used to - No issue, I'm not a caffeinator and never have been!
So yes, I admit I am very lucky, although I've been warned I still have a long way to go and anything could happen. But I'm not concerned, I'm good at rolling with the punches and this whole experience is still fascinating and interesting to me! At any rate, I am always grateful for everything that happens b/c as I learned in soul rehab, it's all a learning experience.

GREAT NEWS!!! At 17 Weeks!


I finally got tired of waiting and called up the OB/GYN today to see if the results of the Nuchal Fold test, and maybe the MaterniT21 test, were done. The NF was done exactly a month ago and I was surprised I hadn't heard anything back. The nurse put me on hold for awhile and then came back to say the MaterniT21 was negative!!! I asked about the NF too but the M21 pretty much tells all, anyway. Yay!!! This means my baby boy is a healthy baby boy, genetically speaking, for sure! Awesome! I wanted to cry b/c I have prayed almost everyday that he is healthy. Not that I was worried b/c I put it in the Lord's hands, but I just wanted to be sure. And according to the ultrasounds he sure looks healthy (and active!) in there, and has a great looking spine and strong looking arms, legs, feet, hands, and fingers!!!

Today on FB I was finally secure in announcing the news and posting the cartoon that Brandone had made for me, all the way back in, what, May? So many well wishers and "likes" on it! Then I called the midwives group and told them to by God transfer my medical records on over! I'm ready to go with these awesome women who will help me deliver my baby naturally as possible!

Yesterday someone at work told me it looks like I've "popped." Hee hee! I think so too, maybe. The baby is now the size of an onion and I'm firmly into my 17th week!

Week 17

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

And the Cupcake Party Revealed It's A...


Boy!!! I'm having a boy! I'm growing a little penis inside me! (To steal a line from "Sex and the City" yuk yuk!) The cupcake reveal party was a lot of fun. Reg & I bit into the cupcakes first and saw the blue filling. I cried a little, I think just from finally getting to imagine all those ultrasound pictures as a little boy face now! So now we can quit talking to the baby using the girl name we'd chosen and now we will start talking to him using his boy name! Which we are still keeping a secret, our final secret, just for us.

Today I told my boss at Job #2. I also guess I should start thinking about registering somewheres. Still waiting on getting all the test results from the OB/GYN. Once I get them I will switch to the midwife group. I need them to sign off on my taking our "babymoon", a cruise in early August. I'm excited! I've always wanted to go on a cruise! This is Reg's 1st cruise too. I can't wait to wear my new bikinis which will show off my baby bump. For right now there is no real bump yet, just a blobby-looking blob, LOL. I still look overweight, not pregnant yet!

15 Weeks and OMG--Baby Gender


Reg joined me yesterday for my ultrasound and MaterniT21 test. I was "15w0d" yesterday so I was amazed when the Dr. (a new Dr., one who specializes in perinatal care) said she could determine the sex. What!!! The books and websites all said 16-20 weeks!!! We told her NOT to tell us but to put the gender inside a sealed envelope so we can take it to the baker and have them make Baby Gender Reveal Cupcakes! I told Reg I was surprised at finding out the gender this early and that now we HAD to have our cupcake party THIS Saturday. I sent out the email to only our closest and dearest and am awaiting reply from them. It is a true test of my patience to let that sealed envelope taunt me... but it's good for me! Hey, I thought I wouldn't find out for another month so I can wait a few freakin' days!

My tummy is definitely round and sticking out. Janie gave me a few maternity items last week as a gift, some tops and 2 skirts which I will definitely  use. Yesterday at the Dr. I weighed 136 so have gained ~11 lbs. I had to buy some size L and XL (yes!) strapless bandeaus since I have so many strapless tops/dresses and these things are huge and I miss little bras and going braless! I have tried to wear some of my regular tops but some of them are tight going over my tits now. Jeez! I've never had big tits in my life, it's surreal! I'm totally enjoying my new maternity shorts and my elastic waistband pants.

Reg is being great around the house. He cleaned the entire downstairs a few days ago and it looks great. He even mopped! He made shelves for me for a bookcase I have that didn't have shelves and that is going to be a big help for storage. Last nite he took me to eat at Black Eyed Pea and we grubbed seriously and I got yummy banana pudding. Then we went to Kroger and I got organic peaches, clementines, bananas, red seedless grapes (I'm still on my fruit kick), and those popsicles what got real fruit on the inside. His neighbor lent me lots of her natural childbirth books and I'm devouring them. I'm also spending my days trying to remember to be committed to my Kegels!

Week 15

14 Weeks! And...pop?


So Monday night I just HAD to go buy maternity shorts and new bigger bras. I bought 38C bras and man, they fit. Jeez. I've never had big tits, the other women in my family got 'em and I was left with 34B's. Mind you, I liked them, I liked being able to wear cute tight tops and loved how they never got in the way of jogging, shooting, etc. and I loved going braless at every opportunity. No more! I even had to buy a new (large) sports bra to wear while sleeping. These things need all the support I can give 'em. Reg likes them a lot!

I'm right at 14 weeks and I look like I've indeed "popped" out down there. Wearing my elastic pants today to work and the Bella Band all other days. I'm still hoping my energy is coming back. I've been doing pretty good at getting 8 hrs sleep the past few nights. My OB/GYN arranged for the next round of genetic testing (even though we still haven't gotten the results of the 1st, the nuchal fold) and that will be next week. This'll be another ultrasound with the Materni21 test. But after this I hope to be done with all the testing on the baby. These tests should tell me all I need to know.

For the next round of maternity wear I want to go explore the resale shops. These maternity clothes are expensive and I'm only going to wear them a few months. I just don't want too much of my $ going to clothes. It's bad enough I'm going to have to shell out $ for brand new bras and undies (yeah my hips seem to have spread a bit). I'm not above accepting hand me downs either from anyone, once I make the big announcement on Facebook, hopefully soon.

Been eating not as healthy lately, then again, we were literally on the road all weekend, going to gig in Louisiana. It's hard to eat healthy on the road when you're in the car, going, going, going. No matter what though I'm at least trying to get fruit in me as much as possible. I had a veggie sannich from Schlotzky's last night, but I still suddenly don't like onions anymore and had to pick them off. Weird.

Week 14

13 Weeks!


On Monday Reg accompanied me to the OB/GYN for the 3rd ultrasound which was the nuchal fold testing. The baby is big and has a little face and fingers and toes and pouty lips! That is definitely my baby! They also took 6 vials of my blood and a urine sample. The lab will combine with the measuring of the skin on the back of the baby's neck to determine any chromosomal abnormalities. I am not worried. Test results back in 2-3 weeks. We got a whole mess of printouts this time, like a dozen pictures of the baby!

I weighed 132.5 on Monday so have gained about 7 lbs. I am now counting myself as entering the 2nd trimester! Please, energy, come back! I feel like it might be creeping back. But, as Paul pointed out, we've done 12 gigs in the past 14 days. Whew! But I need that $. I must buy new bras and shorts for the summer and a new bathing suit ASAP. My stomach is definitely sticking out now and my shorts won't close anymore!

I'm looking into taking some classes on the Bradley Method. I will also definitely take at least one breastfeeding class. I contacted a doula but her quote was $1200 and I just can't afford it, not if I want to take 3 mo's off from work after baby is here, and I do. Reg and I watched "The Business of Being Born" and I really liked it. I am reading all kinds of natural birth stories on internet blogs, websites, etc. and dammit, that's what my birth plan will reflect.

Reg & I want to take a "babymoon" and it looks like August might be a good time. He wants to go to Cancun or the likes; I don't care as long as it fits in our budget. He's going with me this weekend to our gigs in Louisiana Fri-Sat and I'm grateful b/c the drive there last month wore my azz out. I am now 100% on flats at all gigs but don't care b/c I managed to find some cute ones. I still wear heels to work and around town, I just don't want to stand for 4 hrs in heels at gigs to help with any fatigue that might come on. That bass is pretty darn heavy too.

Week 13

Yeah, Pretty Much 12 Weeks


I conceived this baby on a Tues-Thurs nite (according to my OB/GYN and the 1st ultrasound where she measured the embryo) the last week in March so I'm closing in on 12 weeks pretty much. The baby will be the size of a lime this week! The pants I'm wearing now I don't want to close w/the button so my long shirt is hiding the open zipper/button, however I did tie the little tie belt on it. I need to get to Target and see if they have Bella Bands. It's time!

Since Sunday I guess I've been suffering from pregnancy rhinitis. Had a congestion/sinus headache and had to break down and go visit the pharmacist yesterday, however he declined to recommend anything for me to take for the congestion/pressure. Wah! I did buy some acetaminophen however but only took 2 which didn't help hardly at all. I went home around 3:30pm determined to do some saline nasal washes but they helped for about 10 min. I also tried hot compresses which also didn't do much. Later I leaned over a pot of berling water and that helped slightly. I lay in bed all evening, didn't even make it to Job #2. Oh well. The headache went away but came back again this a.m. This afternoon it finally abated. Thank God!

Have to do sheriff work tonite and hope my gun belt fits. At least it's velcro. This Thursday we have a HUGE gig opening up for the great George Porter Jr and I have a new outfit that I hope I'll look good in (bought early this year b4 I got knocked up). It's a snug, short, leopard print jumper and it's sexy! I wonder how thick my middle will look, b/c my middle is definitely thick! :)

Week 12

11 Weeks!


Doing great. Lately I've been OFF veggies though and want more fruit. So weird b/c I was so into veggies and fruit at the beginning but lately the thought of veggies leave me clammy. I'm still eating salad though. The other day I went to Kroger and bought bananas, oranges, grapes, and pineapple and I've been carrying those around as snacks and have been a happy camper.

Still tired/sleepy a lot. Have to go to my car and lie down sometimes when I'm out and about (which is all the time). Had some strange cramping yesterday which was the 1st time I've felt that since I was about 5 weeks pregnant and at the time thought it meant my period was about to start but later learned that was the uterus growing. The cramping seems to have completely subsided today though. I was really really gassy yesterday too.

It was BLISS, pure bliss, on Tuesday nite when I did not have to rush off to Spring, exhausted (even with Reggie driving) to play in that damn smoky bar. Paul got some other bassist and I went straight home from Job #2, rested on the couch, watched "Cupcake Wars", ate leftover spaghetti, talked to the cat, did my nails, did a face mask, lay in bed and watched "Bad Teacher", and got to sleep shortly after 11. It was BLISS, I tell you! Of course, a text msg did come in around 10:40 from Paul saying I was a badass bassist and he missed me. Aww! But yeah, I am so done with the Tuesday nite jam gig. No more. I hope they get a regular bassist soon though.

At the gig last nite I was rested although I couldn't wear the shorts I wanted to wear. Broke down and bought 3 pairs of pants (capri length) with elastic waistbands on Monday. I need them for work. I've had to unbutton my pants a couple times while sitting, so it was time. Also, at the beach on Sunday I bent over and broke my bathing suit strap so I guess it's time for a bigger bathing suit too. My middle is definitely thick and I think my boobs are bigger (hence the broken bathing suit). The gig went well and lots of friends came out, even my pater familias came out! I dedicated "Daddy's Little Pumpkin" to him. The 2nd set though I had to sit. I was feeling pretty tired, hell, it WAS after midnite. Our friend Rich brought me tres leches cake which was so sweet.

Almost 10 Weeks


Creeping up on 10 weeks. That's 2 1/2 months! I fell asleep in my chair at work today; sometimes that happens, AND I even got 8 hrs sleep last nite!!! This progesterone is a hell of a drug.

This past weekend I had to break down and buy 3 pairs of flats. They are cute, shiny, sparkly, etc., but I don't wear flats. I'm so glad I bought them though. It's time. Also, I think it's time I started sleeping in a bra, a comfy one. I did last nite and it helped, for when I wake up in the middle of the nite to pee and as well as when I get up every morning, my tits are soooo sore and feel so heavy, I have to cradle them when I walk to the bathroom. They're fine as soon as I'm up and moving though--weird!

I've decided that I don't want to play any more Tuesday nite gigs w/the PRB. We are finishing up the Bluesday Tuesday jam at Beach Bums this month but after that, I've decided it's not worth it for me anymore. I am too fucking exhausted on Wednesdays and the drive to outer beltway is too fucking far (even though Reg drives me, the sweetheart) and I don't want to be around all that cigarette smoke anymore. My health and this baby's health is at stake. Not worth it. It's just a jam, they can use any bassist for that.

Have told Leo to consider a backup bassist as well; I can't be choosing between the 2 bands anymore and they both want me in July. I don't need the stress, and fortunately Leo says he is putting out the feelers for a backup bassist. He understands, and that's nice.

Week 9

Toured the Hospital Yesterday


Reg & I went on the tour of TCH's new Women's Pavilion and it was pretty impressive. I love that it's a new hospital (opened in March) and therefore I am praying it's not as filthy as most hospitals, less E Coli, staph infection, etc. I found the Pavilion listed on my insurance website today so that's good; I still need to figure out if I'm covered under Midwife services. They sent me an email saying I wasn't but I heard from a birthing center that they can be covered under "Nurse Practitioners." God I hope so. I want to birth with a midwife!!!

Have shown the baby video to a few people, and to my family last nite at dinner. I was craving cheese enchiladas from La Mexicana so that's where we went. To my delight, my bro and his GF have agreed to be with me when I deliver, even if it means they'll miss work! Yay! I told Reg my bro makes me laugh and also he's a pharmacy tech so I might need him to interpret if I need any meds which I am not planning on needing except for maybe an analgesic. And his GF has a teen so I might need her birthing experience/expertise as mine goes down. She even offered to film it (she's filmed a couple other births) but I haven't decided if that'll happen yet or not.

I was craving Chinese buffet on Sat so that's what Reg & I had for dinner between my 2 gigs. Right now I'm just feeling tired again. Sleepy, even on 8 hrs sleep last nite. I'm definitely looking forward to my energy returning in a couple weeks at 2nd trimester. Reg & I are planning our "babymoon" trip, I've told him I don't care where we go. We both recently got our passports so it could be anywhere, it's just based on price/convenience/etc. So glad I have tonite off and I can't wait for this Tuesday jam gig to be over with at the end of May. I'm just TIRED, y'all.

Last Thursday, I think it was, I finally had to undo the button on my pants at work. My middle is definitely thicker. But b/c I have such a short waist and long legs I already own a lot of long/loose tops (since I tend to pair them with short skirts/shorts), empire waist tops, things like that, so I think I can get away w/out maternity wear for a loooong while. Will prob have to buy some pants though. Lotsa that stuff on Craigslist and I will definitely exploit that resource!

Baby Heartbeat


Had my 2nd U/S today, which was scheduled b/c the OB/GYN just wanted to make sure the baby is ok. I scheduled it specifically for today so Reg could be there but unfortunately he had to work after all and just couldn't get anyone to cover for him. Sad, but at least he's making $ for us and the baby. The Dr. had a resident with her and I am 9w/1-2 days today. The baby is much much bigger than the last U/S but it is measuring right on target! It is now filling the uterus up! And it has little arm/leg buds (I knew in advance from reading so wasn't surprised) and it was wiggling and moving around like crazy! Yes, this IS Reg's baby!!! Then we saw the tiny heart beating and I wasn't sure we'd be able to hear it but sure enough the Dr. turned up the machine volume and we sure as hell heard it! I burst into tears--I couldn't help it plus I'm emotional these days anyway. She asked if I wanted a video so the resident took my phone and made a video of the baby moving around (its little head is so big already!) and we got the heart beating too. Amazing. The Dr. said b/c the baby is moving around so much her vote is that's a boy. We'll know for sure at ~20 weeks!

Yesterday I went for an orientation with the midwives group at St. Lukes/Texas Children's Hospital and I liked everything I heard. On Sunday Reg and I will tour the actual hospital. I'm going to sign up with them. They are into doing natural births, have extremely low rates of episiotomies, epidurals, and C-sections and I just like the style of midwifery. Women-friendly. Baby-friendly. Birth is a natural part of life, not a medical procedure. My baby will stay with me the whole time after it's born and will immediately begin to breastfeed. Yep! Sign me up!

I'm feeling even more tired/sleepy/exhausted these days, as if that were possible. I can now sleep sitting up in my chair at work (reclined, but still). I have to lie down in my car on all breaks at all gigs. Last nite Reg and Paul even put a chair up onstage for me, which I didn't ask for but accepted and ended up appreciating immensely. Otherwise, still no morning sickness/nausea (thank God!) and my boob soreness has tapered off but I'm feeling like I'm even colder than ever everywhere I go. My black pashmina and leather jacket travel with me now, always. The Dr. said the baby will eventually make me feel hot. Really??? Also, poor Reg has been the brunt of 3 yelling/angry spells by me. Sure, he triggered them but didn't really deserve them. I have warned him to just be careful right now and that this is temporary. He's amazing and so wonderful to me and I'm so happy this is his baby.



Things is progressing. Today I had NO idea what to have for lunch. NOTHING sounded appetizing. I'm craving veggies actually which is a very very good thing. I walked around Hermann Hospital cafeteria for awhile looking, wondering, pondering. Finally, although I had mushroom pizza on Tues. night I did the salad bar and got a veggie personal pizza. That was the only thing I could think of to stomach. I do feel myself becoming a pickier and pickier eater.

I'm exhausted, more so than I already was. I don't care about my posture anymore sitting at work, I'll slump in the chair and let my tummy stick out. I'm already bloated! Last nite I took a nap before the gig but at the gig I still brought in my wooby (blankie) and lay down on the wooden bench seats before playing. We played over 2 hrs straight and I thought I was a trouper for doing that and not having to go pee. I sat down for a couple songs near the end though.

I want to go home and sleep but I asked Reggie if we could go for a walk tonite. I still want to exercise and stay strong. I can't think of anything good for dinner although we do have our Banh Mi from last night and that sounds ok although I want a side of veggies or fruit with it. Thank Gott in Himmel I'm working from home tomorrow!!! Oops, pause while I go to the bathroom... again! :)

Ok I'm back! So I believe I've now told all my closest friends. The only people that remain are Aunt P and Uncle J and tomorrow at my bday dinner at Natachee's is when Reggie and I will tell them. Reggie's worried Uncle J will wring his neck, LOL. I also got my 1st offer for a baby shower, from J Fu which I thought was so sweet and of course I accepted! Also today my Dr. called me to schedule the genetic testing, which will be in June. I am not worried though, I just don't feel the need to worry. Reggie and I are still arguing over names too which is fun and funny.

Week 8

So Far, Mostly Good


I am on all these pregnancy forums such as TheBump.com, Babycenter.com and there's lots of informative and interesting reading there. It seems so far I'm lucky in that I don't have a lot of the problems that other December expectant moms are having (Dec. 2012 meaning we're all about 5-9 weeks pregnant right now). I don't have trouble eating (though I do feel myself getting pickier and pickier about what TO eat), I'm not as fatigued as a lot of them sound (though yes, I am definitely tired a lot, but then I was tired before what with my crazy schedule), I don't have chills (though I certainly am cold[er] all the time), no throwing up, no discharges, no weird back pains, my prenatal vitamins aren't making me sick, and there's more I feel lucky to not be experiencing.

Last nite I got home from Atascocita ~8:30p, I finished off the meatloaf w/a salad and yummy garlic bread, lay down on the couch fully intending to just chill for a 1/2 hour or so before getting up to do laundry, practice, etc., but no, my body had other plans. I passed out on the couch and finally woke up around 2am to go upstairs to bed. Today I had some delicious Honey Nut Cheerios for b-fast but at lunch the only thing I could tolerate the thought of was a cheeseburger/fries. Not my fave salad, not pasta, nothing sounded good but burger/fries so I got it and it was awesome. The baby also made me buy him/her a brownie parfait LOL but I still haven't eaten that b/c I'm so full still.

Took a pic of my bare tummy in profile today. Reggie needs to help me with this monthly tummy foto project, which he's agreed to do. Gig tonite and I'm already tired thinking of it. I hate the smoky bars and am trying to sit as far away from smokers as possible. Thank God in heaven I get to work from home this Friday and have Thursday nite off. I've asked Reggie to go for a bike ride or walk/run w/me. I gotta keep up the exercise, it'll help me be strong in labor.

Whatever Week this is--5? 6?


The Due Date Calculators online all tell me different things. I have an extremely short cycle, 21-25 days. Yes, I get my period every 3 weeks, typically. Sometimes it's even 20 days. So the online calculators don't know what to do with me, exactly. I'll see my Dr. on Friday and we'll iron it out then, I'm sure. For now I've gotten online EDD's (Estimated Due Dates) of Dec. 22, Dec. 18, Dec. 11, etc. When I told my mom on Sat. at family brunch she said she hopes it's born on her Bday, Dec. 13. Yes, that'd be cool!!!

Reggie told his mom last night. She cried and was happy but of course was concerned about us and our future, like any good mom would be. When he told me her reaction over the phone I even teared up a little. I've only met her twice. She told me I have beautiful eyes--aww! So now my goal is to spend some time w/her which is hard b/c both of our schedules are crazy insane busy. I have 7 gigs this week, including 2 on Saturday. Whew!

My brother has been supportive and giving me good counsel and advice. He says I need to slather myself in cocoa butter, putting it EVERYWHERE, even my teeth if necessary! LOL. I bought some Palmer's yesterday. Guess it's never too early. Also he is going to put me in touch with his midwife friend. Yes, I hate hospitals, what with the nurses and their filthy filthy hands and they're gonna make me wear that awful gown and they'll tell me when/what to eat and I want my own music pumped in during labor/birth and I want to deliver squatting if I damn feel like it, etc. etc., and don't want to give birth in a hospital! But I'm skittish about a home birth due to my AMA ("Advanced Maternal Age"--oh the humanity!) so I'm thinking a birthing center is the way to go. The problem is, I can't find any located in the Central Houston area, WTF!!! And I do NOT want my baby born anywhere but Houston (i.e, there's birthing centers nearby in Pearland and Pasadena but NO thank you). Sigh, to be continued...

Good potential news about my pregnancy: my mom says she didn't gain much weight, only about 20 lbs. which is exactly my goal too! Also she says she never got carpal tunnel, something I was worried about since I only want to take a week off from the band. However she did say she was sick 24/7, but so far I have only had a few seconds of nausea here and there.

My bandmates know now. On Saturday at our gig, while soloing, Paul leaned over and asked me point blank if I was pregnant. I said I was late. Then I said I'd had 2 positive tests. Apparently he and Chop had been discussing it, noting how I wasn't drinking anymore and how I'd asked Chop to not smoke onstage. I told them to keep it secret. Not sure when/how I'll start announcing it, most likely it'll be a big Facebook announcement. I called Scott last nite, told him, and asked if he'd draw a creative cartoon that I can use to announce it and he said he'd start thinking of ideas. Aw, that'd be awesome!!!

Gigging tonite and am stressed about people smoking near me. Gig Weds., gig Thursday hopefully w/Leo at the House of Blues (rehearsal was canceled last nite as he was sick from the chemo and steroids), gig Friday, and 2 gigs Saturday. Sunday is the final day of I-Fest. Reg and I had a killer time there on Sat, seeing Ruthie Foster and Los Lonely Boys. Actually last nite I was kinda glad rehearsal was canceled so I could go home and lie on the couch until bedtime, which is what I did.



This past Monday I stopped off at Walgreen's on the way home from work to pick up some fotos I'd ordered as a surprise gift for Reggie--he'd been wanting some prints of some nice pics of me/us we'd been taking lately. Being a week and a half late for my period I figured I'd pick up a pregnancy test while I was there too. Why not. I didn't really know what to expect, especially since I had that incident from Dec. 2011-Jan 2012 when I didn't have a period for 2 months, and I kinda wondered if that was what was happening again now.

I had to pee really bad so when I got home I went to the downstairs powder room, whipped out the test w/out having time to read the instructions (I'd taken several tests last year but knew I needed to review how to read them), put the thing on the counter aka "flat surface" as directed, and immediately I already saw 2 lines. Uh, what does that mean again? I definitely had to review the instructions.

What!!! 2 lines means PREGNANT. Wait, am I reading that right? Let me double check. Let me triple check. Oh my God. For real?!?!? Wasn't it necessary to wait 2-10 minutes to get the results??? There's a line already!!! OMG. Wow. Well.... wow. Huh. And I smiled. And I felt happy. And I thought oh wow, I wasn't planning on seeing Reggie tonite but now I MUST see him and tell him. Still, there's test #2 which I will definitely take in the morning which is when the hormones are most potent. Wow. I was excited!!!

I called him, asked him if he wanted to go for a little walk/run on the bayou and he did, so he picked me up, we scooted down the street, and we'd just started our walk when he asked if I'd started my period yet. I pulled out my phone, as I'd taken a pic of the positive pregnancy test (b/c the instructions said don't read the result after 10 min. and I was wondering if the line would disappear or something), and showed it to him. It took him a few seconds to figure out what it was. He looked at me, his jaw dropped, and I told him it was definitely a positive pregnancy test. He immediately grabbed me for a big hug and told me how much he loved me. Of course, he also immediately felt scared/overwhelmed/excited, all the "correct" emotions any man would feel upon receiving this news.

I asked him if he wanted to spend the night so he could be there in the morning when I took test #2. So we finished our walk, grabbed a calzone from a great restaurant nearby, and went to my place. I wasn't really hungry, having eaten a banana when I got home but I had a small piece of calzone and then we shared a piece of the pecan pie we made on Sunday w/Hank's ice cream. While we slept I had a dream that test #2 came up negative and I was sad but I told Reggie in the dream, "We can keep trying." Of course, in the morning I took test #2 for real and again, immediately, without waiting 2 minutes it was a double line again. Pregnant!!!

Yesterday at work I did all kinds of research on 1st trimester. I did an online due date calculator which said my due date is Dec. 22 and I was in my 5th week. I'm still not sure how that works but I feel/think I'm more in my 4th week. I made an appt with my OB/GYN for next Friday, the earliest she could see me, and she'll confirm of course.

Here were my early symptoms:
  1. A week and a half late/possibly almost 2 weeks late on my period
  2. When Reggie and I went to Rockport 2 weekends ago I was EXHAUSTED and slept hours and hours both on Friday night and Saturday night when we were there, but also on Sunday night back at home and on Monday night as well. That was kinda strange and very unusual for me to sleep that many hours 4 nights in a row. 
  3. I've been feeling this strange cramping for the past week and a half 1-3 times/day that made me wonder if my period was about to start, but it never did. 
  4. Those annoying 3-4 lbs that I have (that every woman has) that comes and goes, comes and goes, came about 2 weeks ago and never left.
  5. My tits have been sore as well, again leading me to believe my period was about to start, but it never did. 
  6. About 4-5 times over the past week and a half I've felt a couple of seconds of nausea after eating, mostly in the afternoon. Again, this never happens to me.
 All day yesterday I was so happy and excited. Last night at the gig I asked Chopper to please not smoke onstage (told him I was "coming down with something" which is quite true!). And no more booze for me--AT ALL. (Reggie got me a Diet Coke from the bar and I kept calling it my "funky juice" [what I call my drink of choice, Crown & Diet] so Paul & Chopper wouldn't be suspicious.) I've told a couple of friends my period was late but for now have only told my brother and my girlfriend Jess about the positive tests. Reggie doesn't want to tell anyone else until after the Dr. appt next week and I've agreed to honor his request, though it's HARD. I want to go ahead and record what's going on with me b/c this is one of the most significant things to ever happen to me.