Friday, October 19, 2012

25 Weeks


And we took the baby to his first Lyle Lovett concert last nite! He kicked most during "That's Right You're Not From Texas" and the solos on "You Can't Resist It." That's my boy!

This pregnancy congestion is kinda getting to me. Sometimes it's so hard to breathe and it's b/c I'm congested, I've gained 25 lbs., and the baby is probably crowding my lungs thanks especially to my short torso syndrome. Last nite at the concert I was quite uncomfortable b/c those theater seats are cramped and I would stretch out my arms frequently which helped a tiny bit. Then last night I had a rough nite trying to sleep, what with getting up to pee about 6 times, the baby kicking, and a bit of heartburn which also comes and goes seemingly every other day (Zantac helps).

But I really don't want to complain b/c I still think I'm lucky. Speaking of that 25 lbs., well that was my total weight gain goal of the whole pregnancy and I still have 15 weeks to go. Most of that weight has GOT to be boobs--looks like I'm 40 C-D, almost a D cup. Good lord. Maybe I can keep it to 30 lbs. total or at MOST, 35.

Tomorrow is the gestational diabetes test and I'm praying I'll be ok. It's nice not having to think too much about what I eat and still enjoy my desserts. This past Labor Day weekend was bliss. We got a lot of stuff done around the house and I (mostly) completed the registry and we sent out the baby shower invite via Facebook. I got a LOT of R&R in and some pool time too which was my goal.

It's so cool to see my belly move when he kicks. Reg enjoys feeling the baby kick too.

Week 25

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