Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Weeks and Down to Single Digits on Weeks to Wait!


31 weeks today and that means 9 weeks to go! AAAAAAAHHHHHH! I'm excited. Everyone says the 9 weeks will fly by and I'm sure they will. The baby continues to kick the crap out of me, wiggle, etc. and now I hear that when that's gone (after he's born) I'll miss that terribly too. He has gotten the hiccups several times in the past week and I hear that's a good sign, shows good development! Sleeping is still a challenge. I slept in my bed last nite w/Reg and my hips were sore again. I hate hate hate wearing anything except dresses and I still wish I could get away with no bras b/c I just feel so tight in my entire middle. But I know the day we meet El Bebe will be here soon enough and I do feel like it really isn't too far away now!

Feeling a little wistful b/c there are more and more gigs I won't be able to do. I am not doing the gig this Sat. b/c of the annual Sheriff Reserve dinner and I'm not doing the gig next Fri. b/c Katie's is way too damn smoky and I just refuse to tolerate that. Our CD is coming out soon and Paul scheduled the Baton Rouge release party for Nov. 16 but I can't do that b/c 1. I don't think I'm supposed to travel more than an hour away from the hospital in my last month and 2. Reg and I have our 1st Lamaze class the next morning at 8:30a. I hate missing out, but dammit, I have to remind myself I'm only going to be pregnant with this baby just this one time!

Getting excited about the baby shower coming up on Sunday, to be held at the Big Easy! My first baby shower, wow, I never woulda thought. BTW these days I am definitely craving banana pudding and ice cream sanniches.

Reg has been going crazy getting my house ready. He totally cleaned out the dining room, an upstairs closet, he continually sweeps, mops, cleans my place. He's so awesome. He's been studying his daddy books. It's so sweet and of course he talks and reads to the baby all the time.

Week 31

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