Wednesday, October 17, 2012

13 Weeks!


On Monday Reg accompanied me to the OB/GYN for the 3rd ultrasound which was the nuchal fold testing. The baby is big and has a little face and fingers and toes and pouty lips! That is definitely my baby! They also took 6 vials of my blood and a urine sample. The lab will combine with the measuring of the skin on the back of the baby's neck to determine any chromosomal abnormalities. I am not worried. Test results back in 2-3 weeks. We got a whole mess of printouts this time, like a dozen pictures of the baby!

I weighed 132.5 on Monday so have gained about 7 lbs. I am now counting myself as entering the 2nd trimester! Please, energy, come back! I feel like it might be creeping back. But, as Paul pointed out, we've done 12 gigs in the past 14 days. Whew! But I need that $. I must buy new bras and shorts for the summer and a new bathing suit ASAP. My stomach is definitely sticking out now and my shorts won't close anymore!

I'm looking into taking some classes on the Bradley Method. I will also definitely take at least one breastfeeding class. I contacted a doula but her quote was $1200 and I just can't afford it, not if I want to take 3 mo's off from work after baby is here, and I do. Reg and I watched "The Business of Being Born" and I really liked it. I am reading all kinds of natural birth stories on internet blogs, websites, etc. and dammit, that's what my birth plan will reflect.

Reg & I want to take a "babymoon" and it looks like August might be a good time. He wants to go to Cancun or the likes; I don't care as long as it fits in our budget. He's going with me this weekend to our gigs in Louisiana Fri-Sat and I'm grateful b/c the drive there last month wore my azz out. I am now 100% on flats at all gigs but don't care b/c I managed to find some cute ones. I still wear heels to work and around town, I just don't want to stand for 4 hrs in heels at gigs to help with any fatigue that might come on. That bass is pretty darn heavy too.

Week 13

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