Friday, October 19, 2012

29 Weeks! Kick Poke Punch!


Little baby is quite the wiggler and mover and poker and kicker and puncher and WTH was that round bulge on the right side of my tummy the other morning--his head or his cute little butt??? :) I started doing "Kick Counts" last nite and have a chart I fill out. Ohhh but lately he is really kicking/poking my innards. He kicked my "meow meow" a few times and my bladder and man, that really kinda hurts! When he does that I say, "Baby! Don't play with that!"

Dr. visit tomorrow. I am having serious heartburn and am taking my Zantac, Tums, and this week had to break down and also get some Mylanta and Gas-X. I want to explore some natural remedies I've heard about though. The congestion is still coming and going and I'm glad I don't have to take Claritin-D EVERY day. I bought some more clothes last night b/c I am running out of clothes to wear to work, mostly and the weather is cooling a bit. I bought 6 items but 2 are non-maternity so I'll be able to use them after the pregnancy too. Plus the clothes will work for work, play, and gigging. Only spent $57 at Ross. Yay me!

Last nite I couldn't bear wearing the sports bra to bed; it was cutting me too tight at the top of my ribs so I just took it off and wore an undershirt so I'd have "some" kinda support. The last couple of nights have been rough. I am up and down peeing all the time and last night at 3am I was forced to pop a Zantac. Charley horses in my calves or feet have me leaping out of bed every couple of nights, too. A truly comfy sleeping position eludes me these days; my middle just feels soooo heavy. The baby gains most of his weight this trimester and he's just getting bigger and bigger... yay baby but man, I'm feeling it!!! I now have to "roll" out of bed, ha ha.

Reg and I went for a walk on Mon. night and we'll do the same tonite. I do need to do some stretching exercises and some prenatal yoga which is On Demand on my cable... I just feel so lazy these days. No excuse though. I've also been forgetting my Kegels though I have remembered them lately. I'm still holding at 149 and hope I don't gain much more weight.

Hella busy weekend ahead: Fri. gig. 4D ultrasound video appt. on Sat., then the B.I.R.T.H. Fair, then a gig. Sunday I work Greek Fest and I'll have to be in civilian clothes, oh well!

Week 29

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