Thursday, October 18, 2012

Disappointed. No Midwives For Me


Well, the midwives have rejected me. They are concerned about something and they made me concerned too and I cried a whole bunch last Thurs. Apparently when they got my records from Dr. B they saw that my cervix--measured at 15w on 6/26 by the perinatologist Dr. H--was 2.8 cm long. They say that cervix's that measure 2.5 cm or below are high risk for pre-term labor and they said my cervix was cutting it too close and therefore I was too high risk for them. However they offered to refer me to one of the OB/GYN's over them, hoping that one of them would even take a transfer patient.

I called the perinatologist Dr. H, crying, with lots of questions about this. The nurse called back and said that Dr. H was not concerned, that 2.5 cm is the medical standard to be concerned and that if the midwives rejected me at 2.8, that was just their standard. Dr. H had said on 6/26 for me to come back after 6 weeks but since Reg and I will be on the cruise during that time I asked for an earlier appt so I will see Dr. H next Weds. on 8/1.

The next day the midwives said they were able to refer me to one of their Dr's. (Thank God!!!) and I will see Dr. E this Thurs. I have been reading up on this cervix issue and yes, I have started to become very concerned. I am scared that since it's been almost a month since it was last measured, what if my cervix has shortened even more (hello, that's what the cervix does, it shortens [effaces] the closer you get to the due date). I have been reading the Cervix Disorders pregnancy boards and even doing PubMed searches. I have seen the numbers for concern vary from 2.5 cm to 2.2 cm. But I'm scared b/c I measured 2.8 at ONLY 15 WEEKS. I have started being more careful with myself and trying to stay off my feet as much as possible and not lifting anything heavier than my bass.

This past weekend was intense. I left for Baton Rouge on Friday morning with Chopper and it took 7 freaking hours to drive there since I-10 was backed up before the B.R. bridge, we overheated, and then hit rain so bad there was a flash flood warning. But we recorded into the night until 3 am, went to the hotel and slept til 10, then recorded til 8p at which time it was time to get to our gig. I sat on a stool the whole time except when singing. I let Paul and Chopper and Max lift all my gear. Chopper and I ended up coming back to Houston after the gig and eating at Waffle House with Paul/Max, leaving B.R. at 5am and getting home yesterday at 9:30. Reg came to pick me up from Chop's house and I slept for about 4 1/2 hrs and then stayed in bed til it was time to shower and go to dinner w/Ma and Fred.

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