The Due Date Calculators online all tell me different things. I have
an extremely short cycle, 21-25 days. Yes, I get my period every 3
weeks, typically. Sometimes it's even 20 days. So the online calculators
don't know what to do with me, exactly. I'll see my Dr. on Friday and
we'll iron it out then, I'm sure. For now I've gotten online EDD's
(Estimated Due Dates) of Dec. 22, Dec. 18, Dec. 11, etc. When I told my
mom on Sat. at family brunch she said she hopes it's born on her Bday,
Dec. 13. Yes, that'd be cool!!!
Reggie told his mom
last night. She cried and was happy but of course was concerned about us
and our future, like any good mom would be. When he told me her
reaction over the phone I even teared up a little. I've only met her
twice. She told me I have beautiful eyes--aww! So now my goal is to
spend some time w/her which is hard b/c both of our schedules are crazy
insane busy. I have 7 gigs this week, including 2 on Saturday. Whew!
brother has been supportive and giving me good counsel and advice. He
says I need to slather myself in cocoa butter, putting it EVERYWHERE,
even my teeth if necessary! LOL. I bought some Palmer's yesterday. Guess
it's never too early. Also he is going to put me in touch with his
midwife friend. Yes, I hate hospitals, what with the nurses and their
filthy filthy hands and they're gonna make me wear that awful gown and
they'll tell me when/what to eat and I want my own music pumped in
during labor/birth and I want to deliver squatting if I damn feel like
it, etc. etc., and don't want to give birth in a hospital! But I'm
skittish about a home birth due to my AMA ("Advanced Maternal Age"--oh
the humanity!) so I'm thinking a birthing center is the way to go. The
problem is, I can't find any located in the Central Houston area, WTF!!!
And I do NOT want my baby born anywhere but Houston (i.e, there's
birthing centers nearby in Pearland and Pasadena but NO thank you).
Sigh, to be continued...
Good potential news about my
pregnancy: my mom says she didn't gain much weight, only about 20 lbs.
which is exactly my goal too! Also she says she never got carpal tunnel,
something I was worried about since I only want to take a week off from
the band. However she did say she was sick 24/7, but so far I have only
had a few seconds of nausea here and there.
bandmates know now. On Saturday at our gig, while soloing, Paul leaned
over and asked me point blank if I was pregnant. I said I was late. Then
I said I'd had 2 positive tests. Apparently he and Chop had been
discussing it, noting how I wasn't drinking anymore and how I'd asked
Chop to not smoke onstage. I told them to keep it secret. Not sure
when/how I'll start announcing it, most likely it'll be a big Facebook
announcement. I called Scott last nite, told him, and asked if he'd draw
a creative cartoon that I can use to announce it and he said he'd start
thinking of ideas. Aw, that'd be awesome!!!
tonite and am stressed about people smoking near me. Gig Weds., gig
Thursday hopefully w/Leo at the House of Blues (rehearsal was canceled
last nite as he was sick from the chemo and steroids), gig Friday, and 2
gigs Saturday. Sunday is the final day of I-Fest. Reg and I had a
killer time there on Sat, seeing Ruthie Foster and Los Lonely Boys.
Actually last nite I was kinda glad rehearsal was canceled so I could go
home and lie on the couch until bedtime, which is what I did.
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