Friday, October 19, 2012

30 Weeks! 10 to go!


I have been sleeping on the couch most of this past weekend and on Monday night; however I did sleep in my bed last night. The couch is much better for my hips but I wanted to see if I could still sleep in my bed and find a way to help my hips not be so sore. I think that b/c my middle is so heavy if I prop up the baby bump with a pillow that really helps. I love my bed and want to be able to sleep in it, though the couch can be fun too.

The BIRTH fair on Sat. was cool; got some good info and some free swag. Saw my doula Jessica, who had a booth with her doula group. I sent Reg to a 2-hr talk on Sun. called "Birth of a Father" and he LOVED it, even bought the guy's book for $10. Then we had the breastfeeding class last nite at the hospital. It lasted from 6-9:30 and we mostly watched videos and had Q&A. Seems like the secret to success is to get the latch right from the beginning and everything else will fall into place.

Saw Dr. E on Monday. The baby's heartbeat was 158--higher than it's been but still normal--and my blood pressure was fine, my urine was fine, still no swelling in feet/ankles and I'm holding steady at the same weight I've had in the past 3 weeks or so. Good! Dr. E said baby is head down, not sure how he knew that and I didn't have time to ask b/c Doc had to run off (literally) and deliver a baby. Doc said baby kicking/moving/wiggling/punching is great b/c it shows the baby is happy and getting enough oxygen. I'll see Doc again in a couple weeks and he's gonna order some kind of special ultrasound and also said I probably don't need to go back to the perinatologist, Dr. H anymore.

Still having to pop Claritin-D a few times a week and Zantac as well. Last night was bad, I am belching through the night but last night some acid came up. I popped a Zantac around 3:30 am so I could get some relief. Doc said it's ok to take these but to knock off the Gas-X. Again, I didn't have time to ask him for alternatives (I can always email him if I want to) so I've just been walking around burping myself by pounding on my chest. Still keeping Tums in my purse and that helps a little. I also bought some apple cider vinegar and some baking soda to see if those work as natural remedies.

I can barely stand to wear a bra sometimes but I need the support so I don't stretch out the skin. But I am having to unhook my bra at work just to help myself breathe better/not feel so tight. I bought some "bandi-bras" (see pic below) that are like soft sports bras last week in size "XL", good Lord, but they work and are not so tight. I'm wearing them at night and even with clothes sometimes. I fill them up just fine too. I may need to visit a maternity store really soon and get measured for some good maternity/nursing bras--no underwire!!!

Working Greek Fest on Sunday was a trip. I wore civilian clothes (new black maternity pants, black boots, Sheriff button down shirt, blazer) and had no weapon b/c I had no place to put it. They stuck me in the gift shop which was cool b/c I was near the cafeteria (kept getting plenty of drinks to stay hydrated) and I could always find a chair to sit though I did stand and walk around too b/c I got tired of sitting. Loved the Greek food, as always, and got the baklava-topped sundae and at the end of the day a candle vendor gave me a beautiful soy candle with a blue cross on it, "For your baby" she said, and the flavor was baklava sundae! Awww!!!

Week 30

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