Wednesday, October 31, 2012

33 Weeks!

7 weeks to go, I hope! Whoa. That ain't very long. More gifts are arriving for the baby which totally blows me away. Last Thursday Reg and I were out and about (Discovery Green and HBS Jam at Big Easy) and 2 people pressed money into my hand which was so touching and so generous. People must really love babies, eh? The funny thing about these baby items is that some of this stuff I have no idea how it works. My world is ready to be opened up to a whole other dimension and my mind is about to be totally blown. On Monday I was sitting quietly and the baby started moving around and I looked down and I was like, "Holy $#@% there's a BABY in there."

Still having plenny heartburn and congestion and the taste bud issue is off and on but mostly on. I ordered a delicious bleu cheese/bacon burger on Sun. at lunch and it was BLAH. Later on before the Galveston gig I got some Marble Slab w/a mixin and it was totally disappointing. Dude, it's depressing when your food don't taste good. But I'm force-feeding myself b/c the baby needs it. On the flip side this week was, fortunately, the 1st time in awhile where my clothes didn't feel like they were strangling me and the baby and although I was congested I managed to avoid popping a Claritin-D. I think the colder weather is helping slightly. I normally detest colder weather like a sickness but now that I'm pregnant it's making life a little easier on me, surprisingly.

Reg and I are still trying to find time to get the upstairs completely ready. I still need to get a carseat and I guess a crib or a bassinet or both but to be honest I still haven't decided where the baby will sleep exactly. November is the big month where we need to get our act together. I just know I've been sleeping on the couch the last few nights and that works out pretty well mostly except it's harder to "roll" out of than it is the bed, ha ha.

This Weds. is my last "Pinche Miercoles" gig at the Continental. People have been urging me to slow down but I just haven't been ready to. Hey man, what about those farm women that work the fields their whole pregnancy, take a break to give birth, and go right back to work? Besides it's been more important and healthy for me to be ACTIVE instead of, what, lie around on the couch day and night? But yes, I am starting to feel a tad more tired so I will listen to my body and will give myself weeknights off now. The weekend gigs are still on and the Dr. said that was fine although he did say after 35 weeks I may not want to travel very far; yeah, the traveling is done for now too.

Week 33

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