Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Almost 10 Weeks


Creeping up on 10 weeks. That's 2 1/2 months! I fell asleep in my chair at work today; sometimes that happens, AND I even got 8 hrs sleep last nite!!! This progesterone is a hell of a drug.

This past weekend I had to break down and buy 3 pairs of flats. They are cute, shiny, sparkly, etc., but I don't wear flats. I'm so glad I bought them though. It's time. Also, I think it's time I started sleeping in a bra, a comfy one. I did last nite and it helped, for when I wake up in the middle of the nite to pee and as well as when I get up every morning, my tits are soooo sore and feel so heavy, I have to cradle them when I walk to the bathroom. They're fine as soon as I'm up and moving though--weird!

I've decided that I don't want to play any more Tuesday nite gigs w/the PRB. We are finishing up the Bluesday Tuesday jam at Beach Bums this month but after that, I've decided it's not worth it for me anymore. I am too fucking exhausted on Wednesdays and the drive to outer beltway is too fucking far (even though Reg drives me, the sweetheart) and I don't want to be around all that cigarette smoke anymore. My health and this baby's health is at stake. Not worth it. It's just a jam, they can use any bassist for that.

Have told Leo to consider a backup bassist as well; I can't be choosing between the 2 bands anymore and they both want me in July. I don't need the stress, and fortunately Leo says he is putting out the feelers for a backup bassist. He understands, and that's nice.

Week 9

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