Friday, October 19, 2012

23 Weeks and Baby is Celebrating by Kicking!


Yesterday morning around 5am or so I was awakened by the baby kicking--first time that's happened. Oof! and Woop! I no longer tense up when he kicks (I was doing that when I first started to feel him, not sure why, maybe just hoping if I stayed still he wouldn't kick as much b/c back then it was still such a new, freaky sensation) but now I like to move my hand down there to feel it from the outside.

We had the Leo celebration/memorial party on Sat. and someone said to me there for the first time ever, "Are you sure you're not carrying twins?" Other people pooh-poohed that, saying I am so small. Everyone has their perspective, I suppose. I am enjoying wearing snug outfits that show off the baby bump and even wore a midriff-baring top at my gig last Weds! Of course doing so invited dozens of hands on my belly. LOL! I don't mind it so much.

Looks like I've already gained about 20 lbs. I only wanted to gain 25 total so with 17 more weeks to go I am not sure how my weight plan will fare out ultimately. It's just that you'll all remember I had NO morning sickness at all, and so my appetite was never in jeopardy even if at the same time it has never been excessive. I'm glad I'm back to walking though, and will continue to do so as much as I can fit into my day.

Since there were no gigs this past weekend (except for the Leo thing, kinda) I was determined to get some work done in the 2nd bedroom. No, I do not plan on creating a cutesy nursery for the baby, but I do need to clear out one of the closets in there for his clothes and stuff and I began that process. I also needed to hook up the cable box that hasn't been hooked up for almost a year, and I did accomplish that. I also brought up from the coat closet downstairs a folding card table for use as the changing table, and I see nothing wrong with using a card table as a changing table. One less thing to have to buy and ultimately get rid of!

Otherwise, sleeping is getting to be a bit more challenging, what with the repeated peeing sessions and trying to lie on my side all the time and charley horses in my feet/calves and occasional heartburn and now my pregnancy congestion has been bad for a couple of weeks and that makes me tired during the day too b/c I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen. Not complaining though, just documenting, b/c I love love love this little baby inside me even though I am a little scared of his strong little kicks b/c I know they're just gonna get stronger!

Week 23

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