Thursday, October 18, 2012

Saw New OB/GYN Yesterday


Reg picked me up and we went around the corner from my day job to the new Dr. He is one of the Dr's over the midwives group that rejected me and they said he is great. He's also Hispanic which is cool. I started crying when telling the nurse about the midwives and how scared I was about my cervix and she said she was sure everything will turn out fine. OK--I was also emotional b/c we lost Leo to the pancreatic cancer earlier that day around 3am. I'd spent my morning crying already.

So Dr. E came in and he was really sweet and he also said he's not concerned yet and since I have the 2nd ultrasound already scheduled with the perinatologist Dr. H next Weds. he said we could wait until then to see how things have progressed. He did another u/s and we saw the baby again. The baby looks great, he even waved at us, and we saw his little pee-pee!!! :) Dr. E. also measured my belly and says I'm the perfect size for being 19w and that I will get 1 cm bigger every week. Yikes!

Dr. E did tell me to go ahead and stay off the treadmill for now, no lifting anything heavier than 5-10 lbs, and to go on pelvic rest, to Reg's horror, b/c that means no sex. We can't compromise the cervix by any means. I had already sat at last Sat's gig except when singing and now I will sit 100% of the time and try to have Reg hand me Igor D. Bass.

Last nite we went to the monthly HBS jam since it was in honor of Leo. George was there too and most of the Houston blues community. I thought I was all cried out but everyone hugging me left and right got to me and the waterworks started up again. I was wearing my purple Leo Trio tshirt which showed off the baby bump real nice. Reg got me a whisky and we toasted to Leo with some friends and I took 2 tiny sips. I hadn't planned on playing but I got persuaded to get up with George for a Leo tribute set and I sat on a stool and played a borrowed bass. I'm glad I did.

Week 19

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