Friday, October 19, 2012

27 Weeks!


Still can't breathe and must take Claritin-D every couple days, though I've already taken it 3x this week. Lotsa gas coming up (belching) and Tums helps with that. Baby likes to kick/punch/swim/move around lots and I am having a hard time sleeping at times b/c he's moving so much. I no longer can wear elastic waistbands, they are squeezing me too tight and it's hard enough breathing these days. My hips are sometimes sore during and after sleeping. I slept on the couch last night and that helped a little. I also got about 10 hrs sleep last night, and it was bliss. In good news, my skin has never looked better and clearer this entire 2nd trimester!!!

Saw the baby in 4D at the perinatologist's last Thurs. He was sucking his little thumb. He is head down now although Dr. H says he will flip flop around upside down and back in the coming weeks. She said he was weighing a little heavy for 26 weeks at 2 lbs. 3 oz. and for me to lay off the fried cheese. My glucose tolerance test came back with a good score of 109 (needed to be below 140) so yay, no gestational diabetes for me and yes I was a bit worried!

Dang, he sure is a little kicker! I like to pull up my shirt and watch my tummy move, makes me laff sometimes. I wonder what the heck he is DOING in there??? Reg read "Where the Wild Things Are" to him the other night. The first time of many! 

Week 27

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