Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yeah, Pretty Much 12 Weeks


I conceived this baby on a Tues-Thurs nite (according to my OB/GYN and the 1st ultrasound where she measured the embryo) the last week in March so I'm closing in on 12 weeks pretty much. The baby will be the size of a lime this week! The pants I'm wearing now I don't want to close w/the button so my long shirt is hiding the open zipper/button, however I did tie the little tie belt on it. I need to get to Target and see if they have Bella Bands. It's time!

Since Sunday I guess I've been suffering from pregnancy rhinitis. Had a congestion/sinus headache and had to break down and go visit the pharmacist yesterday, however he declined to recommend anything for me to take for the congestion/pressure. Wah! I did buy some acetaminophen however but only took 2 which didn't help hardly at all. I went home around 3:30pm determined to do some saline nasal washes but they helped for about 10 min. I also tried hot compresses which also didn't do much. Later I leaned over a pot of berling water and that helped slightly. I lay in bed all evening, didn't even make it to Job #2. Oh well. The headache went away but came back again this a.m. This afternoon it finally abated. Thank God!

Have to do sheriff work tonite and hope my gun belt fits. At least it's velcro. This Thursday we have a HUGE gig opening up for the great George Porter Jr and I have a new outfit that I hope I'll look good in (bought early this year b4 I got knocked up). It's a snug, short, leopard print jumper and it's sexy! I wonder how thick my middle will look, b/c my middle is definitely thick! :)

Week 12

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