Thursday, October 18, 2012

GREAT NEWS!!! At 17 Weeks!


I finally got tired of waiting and called up the OB/GYN today to see if the results of the Nuchal Fold test, and maybe the MaterniT21 test, were done. The NF was done exactly a month ago and I was surprised I hadn't heard anything back. The nurse put me on hold for awhile and then came back to say the MaterniT21 was negative!!! I asked about the NF too but the M21 pretty much tells all, anyway. Yay!!! This means my baby boy is a healthy baby boy, genetically speaking, for sure! Awesome! I wanted to cry b/c I have prayed almost everyday that he is healthy. Not that I was worried b/c I put it in the Lord's hands, but I just wanted to be sure. And according to the ultrasounds he sure looks healthy (and active!) in there, and has a great looking spine and strong looking arms, legs, feet, hands, and fingers!!!

Today on FB I was finally secure in announcing the news and posting the cartoon that Brandone had made for me, all the way back in, what, May? So many well wishers and "likes" on it! Then I called the midwives group and told them to by God transfer my medical records on over! I'm ready to go with these awesome women who will help me deliver my baby naturally as possible!

Yesterday someone at work told me it looks like I've "popped." Hee hee! I think so too, maybe. The baby is now the size of an onion and I'm firmly into my 17th week!

Week 17

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