Wednesday, October 17, 2012

15 Weeks and OMG--Baby Gender


Reg joined me yesterday for my ultrasound and MaterniT21 test. I was "15w0d" yesterday so I was amazed when the Dr. (a new Dr., one who specializes in perinatal care) said she could determine the sex. What!!! The books and websites all said 16-20 weeks!!! We told her NOT to tell us but to put the gender inside a sealed envelope so we can take it to the baker and have them make Baby Gender Reveal Cupcakes! I told Reg I was surprised at finding out the gender this early and that now we HAD to have our cupcake party THIS Saturday. I sent out the email to only our closest and dearest and am awaiting reply from them. It is a true test of my patience to let that sealed envelope taunt me... but it's good for me! Hey, I thought I wouldn't find out for another month so I can wait a few freakin' days!

My tummy is definitely round and sticking out. Janie gave me a few maternity items last week as a gift, some tops and 2 skirts which I will definitely  use. Yesterday at the Dr. I weighed 136 so have gained ~11 lbs. I had to buy some size L and XL (yes!) strapless bandeaus since I have so many strapless tops/dresses and these things are huge and I miss little bras and going braless! I have tried to wear some of my regular tops but some of them are tight going over my tits now. Jeez! I've never had big tits in my life, it's surreal! I'm totally enjoying my new maternity shorts and my elastic waistband pants.

Reg is being great around the house. He cleaned the entire downstairs a few days ago and it looks great. He even mopped! He made shelves for me for a bookcase I have that didn't have shelves and that is going to be a big help for storage. Last nite he took me to eat at Black Eyed Pea and we grubbed seriously and I got yummy banana pudding. Then we went to Kroger and I got organic peaches, clementines, bananas, red seedless grapes (I'm still on my fruit kick), and those popsicles what got real fruit on the inside. His neighbor lent me lots of her natural childbirth books and I'm devouring them. I'm also spending my days trying to remember to be committed to my Kegels!

Week 15

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