Friday, October 19, 2012

24 Weeks! = 6 Months


The baby continues to kick and even throw one-two kick/punch combo's! For the 1st time on Monday night I also observed my stomach actually move when he kicked. So awesome. Reg read a book to him on Monday night too, Verdi, which I have an autographed copy of!

My skin has been subtlety starting to itch occasionally around my belly and sides. I lotion up religiously everyday (I did that even before getting pregnant) and so far thank God there are no stretch marks yet. They could still come, of course. I sorta feel like when I have a lot of activity going on I get tired sooner/more easily. Some of that could be due to pregnancy congestion though, sometimes I feel like I can't breathe enough. I've slept on the couch a few times recently and that isn't too bad b/c I can sink into the soft leather better than I can on the bed and my hips don't suffer as much.

Will see the Dr. next week and the perinatologist the week after that, probably. In other big news, I have decided to hire a doula and I found her and we'll also be meeting in a couple of weeks. She cost $800 but I suspect she'll be worth every damn penny. She'll also lend me some books and DVD's. I'm very excited and relieved to have her on my team!

Week 24

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