Tuesday, November 13, 2012

35 Weeks!

And that means 5 weeks to go! Last week at the Dr. he confirmed the baby's head has already engaged my pelvic area which does not surprise me b/c I feel baby's head against that left hip bone sometimes. I will have my growth ultrasound tomorrow at the perinatologist Dr. H's office and we'll determine how much baby weighs now and how big he is already. Looks like I've gained another few pounds for a total of 29 lbs. gained although Dr. E said it's the baby who's gained it, LOL! This past weekend I FINALLY got around to organizing the baby clothes received at the baby shower and last nite I did my first-ever batch of baby clothes laundry. OMG these clothes are so tiny!!! I mean, I've never really known any babies before so this whole thing is a trip to me! I only washed sizes newborn-6 months; the larger clothes can wait til later.

Also this past weekend I was fortunate enough to be able to make trips to see 2 friends who had baby hand-me-down stuff including tons of clothes, blankets, a high chair, and other awesome and much-needed baby items. I'm just so grateful to save money not buying this stuff and also glad to not contribute to crazed baby supply consumerism and happy to be recycling and reusing! Also my bro's friend sent more stuff, including diapers and a breastfeeding pillow. HELL YEAH!

Today is also a special day b/c it's Reggie's bday. I have another baby shower tonight being given by the Board I serve on and after that I'll take Reg out to dinner wherever he wants. He already received his gifts and loved them and will be using some of them on the golf course today! We had an incredible time on Sunday night. I took him and El Bebe to their first ever Taj Mahal concert and they both LOVED it. Reg and I got to visit a little with Taj afterwards thanks to his bass player, our friend Larry, and I gifted them with my limited-edition koozie which has a special Taj connection b/c Paul put "Well well well" on it which is a nod to one of the Taj songs I perform, "But I Rode Some". (I sing Taj's sassy little "well well well well well" that he sings on the recording, hee hee!) What an unforgettable and beautiful gift of music we all received that night. Baby did not stop kicking/punching the entire time and my latest thing now is to sing "Loving in My Baby's Eyes" to him when we're alone.

This week is the PRB's CD release party and we're all super excited. Saturday morning Reg and I have a Lamaze class at the hospital and I have the goal of packing my hospital bag once and for all by this weekend, and then that night is the CD release. Lamaze class continues on Sunday and the final session the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Hopefully the outfit idea I have in mind for the CD Release party will work! BTW Dr. E said I can continue to gig (although he said the loud volume might send me into pre-term labor! [Was that a joke?]).

Week 35

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